Составитель: Павел Басинский Все авторы В книгу вошли стихотворения наиболее ярких представителей всех литературных направлений XIX - первой трети XX века, получившего впоследствии озьэи название Серебряного века: В Брюсова, И Анненского, К Бальмонта, А Блока, О Мандельштама, А Ахматовой, Н Гумилева и многих других Авторы (показать всех авторов) Владимир Соловьев Владимир Сергеевич Соловьев родился в Москве 16 (28) января 1853 года, сын историка С М Соловьева Окончил с золотой медалью Первую московскую гимназию, поступил на физико-математический факультет Московского университета, по отделению Иннокентий Анненский Иннокентий Федорович Анненский родился 1 сентября 1855 года в городе Омске, в семье высокопоставленного государственного чиновника В 1860 году семья возвращается в Петербург В 1879 году Анненский окончил историко-филологический факультет Вячеслав Иванов Родился в Москве Окончил Московский университет, изучал римскую историю в Берлинском университете, с 1891 по 1905 год жил за границей, в основном в Италии В 1903 году опубликовал первый сборник стихотворений "Кормчие звезды", сразу принесший автору. Pass 57.1 Bett BettАнтология Издательство: Эксмо, 2005 г Твердый переплет, 352 стр ISBN 5-699-09551-9 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 70x100/32 (~120х165 мм).
В книге содержатся критические статьи о произведениях русских классиков, вошедших в школьные программы Различные точки зрения на эти произведения не только помогут читателю озьэш глубже и объективнее осмыслить знакомые тексты, но и покажут русскую критику XIX века как сложное и значительное явление литературной и общественной жизни Суждения Белинского, Добролюбова и Писарева дополнены и `уравновешены` размышлениями Аксакова, Дружинина и Страхова - и это необходимо для преодоления тенденциозности в оценке русской классики Книга адресована учащимся старших классов, учителям-словесникам и всем интересующимся русской литературой Содержание Рыцарский турнир Предисловие c 3-23 О русской повести и повестях г Гоголя Статья c 24-51 Сочинения Александра Пушкина Статьи восьмая - девятая `Евгений Онегин` Статья c 52-72 Письмо к Н В Гоголю Статья c 73-81 Несколько слов о поэме Гоголя: `Похождения Чичикова, или Мертвые души` Статья c 82-92 Пушкин Статья c 93-107 Что такое обломовщина? Статья c 108-139 Луч света в темном царстве Статья c 140-181 `Обломов` Рома И А Гончарова Статья c 182-198 Базаров Статья c 199-238 Борьба за жизнь Статья c 239-266 `Война и мир` Сочинение графа Л Н Толстого Статья c 267-299 Комментарии Комментарии c 300-318 Авторы (показать всех авторов) А Осипов (составитель, автор) Виссарион Белинский Виссарион Григорьевич Белинский родился 11 июня 1811 года в Свеаборге Детство провел в Кронштадте и Чембаре Учился в Чембарском уездном училище, затем в Пензенской гимназии В 1829 году поступил на словесное отделение Московского университета, Константин Аксаков Константин Аксаков - сын писателя С Т Аксакова До девяти лет жил в отцовском имении, затем семья переехала в Москву В 1832 поступил на словесное отделение Московского университета, в 1835 закончил со степенью кандидата В университете был близок со. отде Шуре Your SkagАнтология Издательство: Классикс Стиль, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 5-94603-008-6 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 60x90/16 (~145х215 мм).
Составитель: Михаил Латышев Все авторы В первый том избранных произведений выдающегося русского писателя И А Гончарова (1812 - 1891) включен его роман `Обломов`, ставший значительным озьэю достижением не только самого писателя, но и всей отечественной литературы Содержание Вид с горы Предисловие c 5-18 Обломов Роман c 19-465 Комментарии Комментарии c 466-477 Автор (показать всех авторов) Иван Гончаров Иван Александрович Гончаров родился 18 июня 1812 года в Симбирске Учился сначала в частном пансионе священника Ф С Троицкого, затем в Московском коммерческом училище, не завершив обучение поступил на словесное отделение Московского университета. Вятк Unit Семе словСерия: Сокровища мировой литературы.
Glenn Rand, longtime photographic educator and Program Director for Graduate Programs at Brooks Institute, and Tim Meyer, Portrait Division Chair at Brooks Institute, have collaborated to create a thorough and balanced textbook on the modern techniques and practice of portrait photography They have avoided the single-style viewpoint common озьюг to so many books on portraiture and have crafted a definitive resource for professionals, as well as students and avid amateurs, wishing to advance their skills in this discipline 1 edition Авторы Rand Glenn Meyer Tim. Mari Stop Yves MexoИздательство: Rocky Nook, 2009 г Мягкая обложка, 170 стр ISBN 1933952466 Язык: Английский.
"Australia: Eyewitness Travel" travel guide will lead you straight to the best attractions this extraordinary country has on offer Packed with colour photographs, illustrations and detailed maps discover Australia region-by region; from the aboriginal sites of the Northern Territory to the wilderness of Tasmania The guide provides озьюж all the insider tips every visitor needs from the best ways to explore the outback to sampling Australia's world-famous surf and beach culture and shopping in Melbourne, with comprehensive listings of the best hotels, resorts, restaurants and nightlife in each region for all budgets You'll find 3D cutaways and floorplans of all the must-see sites from Sydney Opera House to Canberra war memorial plus street-by-street maps of all the major Australian cities and towns "Australia: Eyewitness Travel" explores the culture, history, architecture and art of this diverse country not forgetting the best scenic routes and the country's magnificent national parks, wineries and distinct wildlife With up-to-date information on getting around by train, car, walking in cities and all the sights and resorts listed town by town, "Australia: Eyewitness Travel" is indispensable Don't miss a thing on your holiday with the "Australia: Eyewitness Travel" Формат: 13 см x 22 см. Mois Terr Robe DreaСерия: Eyewitness Travel.
Understanding French economic development in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries has always proved a formidable challenge for historians This concise survey is designed to make clear the areas of controversy among historians, and to guide the readerthrough the debates The author provides succinct surveys of recent findings on the pattern озьюы of development, and on the underlying causes of that pattern He argues that France provides a quietly successful case of economic development, avoiding the massive social upheaval experienced elsewhere in Europe. Barb Maxt stop CanoISBN 0521557771.
Александр Куприн Один из немногих писателей, которым в равной степени были подвластны и роман, и повесть, и рассказ Мастер сочной, выразительной прозы, автор легендарных "Ямы", "Суламифи", "Гранатового браслета" - озьюю и еще множества произведений, по праву считающихся классикой отечественной литературы "Господа юнкера, кем вы были вчера? " Мальчики в военной форме "Белая кость" российской армии Будущие воины Первой мировой Будущие офицеры Белой армии Персонажи автобиографической дилогии Куприна "Па переломе (Кадеты)" и "Юнкера" - и великолепной повести "Поединок" Содержание На переломе (Кадеты) Повесть c 5-76 Юнкера Роман c 77-316 Поединок Повесть c 317-542 Автор Александр Куприн Александр Иванович Куприн родился 7 сентября 1870 года в городе Наровчат Пензенской губернии Учился сначала в кадетском корпусе, а затем в Александровском училище В 1890 был зачислен в пехотный полк, в котором прослужил 4 года Выйдя в отставку,. Nadi Rand Жадь 1280Серия: Мировая классика.
What's wrong--and what's right--about America today? Everett Carll Ladd and Karlyn Bowman listen as Americans answer those questions in this indispensable guide to the mood of the country Using survey data, the authors check America's vital signs: they explore its promise and its problems, its hopes and expectations, its ideals and fears In озьял many areas, Americans are satisfied and confident The foundations of our constitutional system are strong The core values that have defined the nation remain firmly in place Opportunity is present for us and our children In other areas, Americans see many problems in the country today The federal government is not working well The moral dimension of national life leaves us deeply troubled The performance of many institutions falls far short of the ideal What's Wrong contains data from hundreds of public opinion surveys conducted over the past sixty years, distilled in easy-to-read tables This valuable handbook is essential for anyone wanting to understand Americans and America today. Iron Lowl Morn RobeISBN 0844739553.
Middle Easterners today are caught between memories of the past and frustrated hopes for the future They struggle to find solutions to crises of economic stagnation, political gridlock, and cultural identity In recent decades Islam has become central to this struggle, and almost every issue involves fierce, sometimes violent debates over the озьяп role of religion in public life R Stephen Humphreys's new book presents a much-needed and thoughtful analysis of Islam's place in today's Middle East In clear, accessible language, he integrates the medieval and modern history of the region to show how the sacred and secular are tightly interwoven in its political and intellectual life Humphreys discusses the conflicts over power and resources that engage Middle Eastern politicians and looks at the major ideologies that have shaped these conflicts He focuses on the impact of Islam on public life and examines Muslim ways of thinking about the "secular" versus the "religious " What values does Islam put intoplay? What challenges does it pose to "ordinary" politics? What resources does it bring to the struggle for social justice? Humphreys recognizes the Western tendency to dismiss Middle Eastern politics as an incoherent tale of violence and fanaticism,and his book is especially valuable for its analysis of the deeper issues behind the headlines These issues include the region's apparent inability to evolve democratic institutions, conflicts rooted in the peace settlements after World War I, and the unresolved debates over which cultural and moral values should drive Middle Eastern policy Between Memory and Desire reminds us that Middle Easterners remember the past in specific ways: the shame of the colonial era; the disappointments since independence; and the glory of the Middle Ages, when Muslim achievements were respected throughout the world Even if these memories are only partially true, in defining the past, they also define what the future ought to be. Enco Мвкд Соде AmarISBN 0520229185.
Book DescriptionImagine the inevitable consequences of government spending and borrowing at the speed of light Try to visualize a number as large as 5,865,696,000,000 At the speed of light, this is how many miles you would travel in a year Scientists refer to this distance as a Light Year Now, imagine $5,865,696,000,000 America's Children refer озьят to this amount as a Light Dollar We are already more than One Light Dollar in Debt, and quickly moving towards Two Light Dollars That is more money than is in circulation in the United States That is more than seven times the amount the government collects in individual income taxes in a year At this rate, it is not a question of whether America is going bankrupt, it is only a question of when America's Children want parents and grandparents to read this book so they will not inherit a mortgaged torch of freedom Act now to prevent any further Fiscal Child Abuse!. Geni Wind Alex Барк2004 г ISBN 0595319041.
Book DescriptionDuring the recession (1999-2004), the United States allowed a million people to enter the country to fill highly skilled positions for which, it was said, no skilled American workers could be found These positions included motel managers, teachers, even an assistant women's volleyball coach! With over 8 million American citizens озьяы looking for work, employers felt that they had to go outside the United States to find workers with the skills and qualifications to fill these and dozensof other positions Did you know that if someone is caught trying to enter the United States with a phony or stolen passport, the passport is returned to that person, who is then released? In Up 2 Cents a Share Down 8 Million Jobs, Dan Geoffrey takes you along on his journey of discovery to learn how immigration has affected not only our nation's jobs, but also our national security. Bald Digi Chec разг2004 г ISBN 0595327117.
From the leading voice in the "shared capitalism" movement comes a manifesto for spreading wealth and creating a truly democratic society "A bible for a powerful populism that will arise after the latest Gilded Age is over Read it and run, or read it and recover your sense of what it could mean to actually live in a democratic society озьяя " -Paul Hawken, author, Natural Capitalism and The Ecology of Commerce "[Gates] offers an ambitious "populist vision " You may not like its answers, but you can'tignore the questions " -Cheryl Dahle, Fast Company "A political-economic manifesto for the new millennium This persuasive and well-documented work will generate thoughtful discussion " -Library Journal Citing alarming statistics, Jeff Gates convincingly argues that the current economic boom is largely a mirage, buoyed by policies that continue to reward the wealthy and punish the poor With equal measures of passion and incisive reasoning, he proposes an ambitious yet practical program of financial, political, and economic reform. EHLP Tatt Svia DaviISBN 0738204838.
Interweaving social, political, environmental, economic, and popular history, John Alexander Williams chronicles four and a half centuries of the Appalachian past Along the way, he explores Appalachia's long-contested boundaries and the numerous, often contradictory images that have shaped perceptions of the region as both the essence озэав of America and a place apart Williams begins his story in the colonial era and describes the half-century of bloody warfare as migrants from Europe and their American-born offspring fought and eventually displaced Appalachia's Native American inhabitants He depicts the evolution of a backwoods farm-and-forest society, its divided and unhappy fate during the Civil War, and the emergence of a new industrial order as railroads, towns, and extractive industries penetrated deeper and deeper into the mountains Finally, he considers Appalachia's fate in the twentieth century, when it became the first American region to suffer widespread deindustrialization, and examines thepartial renewal created by federal intervention and a small but significant wave of in-migration Throughout the book, a wide range of Appalachian voices enlivens the analysis and reminds us of the importance of storytelling in the ways the people of Appalachia define themselves and their region. RHZN Opti DrBr LomoISBN 0807853682.
Book DescriptionThe late fifth century BC was the golden age of ancient Athens Under the leadership of the renowned soldier-statesman Perikles, Athenians began rebuilding the Akropolis, where they created the still awe-inspiring Parthenon Athenians also reached a zenith of artistic achievement in sculpture, vase painting, and architecture, озэад which provided continuing inspiration for many succeeding generations The specially commissioned essays in this volume offer a fresh, innovative panorama of the art, architecture, history, culture, and influence of Periklean Athens Written by leading experts in the field, the articles cover a wide range of topics, including: * An evaluation of Perikles' military leadership during the early stages of the Peloponnesian War * Iconographical and iconological studies of vase paintings, wall paintings, and sculpture * Explorations of the Parthenon and other monuments of the Athenian Akropolis *The legacy of Periklean Athens and its influence upon later art * Assessments of the modern reception of the Akropolis As a whole, this collection of essays proves that even a well-explored field such as Periklean Athens can yield new treasures when mined by perceptive and seasoned investigators The late fifth centuryBC was the golden age of ancient Athens Under the leadership of the renowned soldier-statesman Perikles, Athenians began rebuilding the Akropolis, where they created the still awe-inspiring Parthenon Athenians also reached a zenith of artistic achievement in sculpture, vase painting, and architecture, which provided continuing inspiration for many succeeding generations The specially commissioned essays in this volume offer a fresh, innovative panorama of the art, architecture, history, culture, and influence of Periklean Athens Written by leading experts in the field, the articles cover a wide range of topics, including: An evaluation of Perikles' military leadership during the early stages of the Peloponnesian War Iconographical and iconological studies of vase paintings, wall paintings, and sculpture Explorations of the Parthenon and other monuments of the Athenian Akropolis The legacy of Periklean Athens and its influence upon later art Assessments of the modern reception of the Akropolis As a whole, this collection of essays proves that even a well-explored field such as Periklean Athens can yield new treasures when mined by perceptive and seasoned investigators. Rola Сысо Serg Hist2005 г 330 стр ISBN 0292706227.
Book DescriptionFrom the epic to the comic, suicide has been a recurrent theme in the history of art The Art of Suicide is a major account of the representation of suicide, from voluntary deaths in Antiquity through its Romantic glamorization to its decriminalization in modern times Ron Brown examines the proliferation of images of suicide in the озэан late Medieval and Renaissance eras, showing how suicide was linked to the idea of contaminated femininity and how it was used allegorically The book concludes with some important questions concerning the study of death and suicide in the postmodern period. Davi Ever Micr Mart2004 г 240 стр ISBN 1861891059.
Book Description Video art dominates the international art world to such an extent that its heady days on the radical fringes are sometimes overlooked--often unknown This book is an essential and highly entertaining guide to video art and its history Elwes, herself a pioneer of early video, traces the story from the weighty Portapak equipment озэап of the '60s and '70s to today's digital technology, from early experiments in "real time" to the "new narrative" movement of the 1980s She also examines video's love-hate relationship with television, from its literal destruction in "scratch" video to its apparent absorption into the mainstream with works commissioned by Channel Four Throughout its forty-year history, video has been allied to self-portraiture, landscape, painting and sculpture and has been co-opted as a political tool Artists discussed include amongst many others Nam June Paik, Nan Hoover, The Duvet Brothers, Dara Birnbaum, Bill Viola, Pipilloti Rist, David Hall, Stuart Marshall, Shirin Neshat, Smith & Stewart, Steve McQueen and Sam Taylor-Wood. Фран Прои Beko Disc2005 г 168 стр ISBN 1850435464.
Book Description Refuting the assumption that art is a representational practice, Bolt's striking argument engages with the work of Heidegger, Deleuze and Guattari, C S Peirce and Judith Butler to argue for a performative relationship between art andartist Drawing on themes as diverse as the work of Cézanne and of Francis Bacon, the transubstantiation озэас of the Catholic sacrament and Wilde's novel The Picture of Dorian Gray, she challenges the metaphor of light as enlightenment, reconceiving this revealing light as the blinding glare of the Australian sun, and suggests that too much light may in fact reveal nothing Finally she asks: how does an embodied practice fare within the culture of conceptual art?. 8942 Seve Удар Renz2004 г 256 стр ISBN 1850434115.
Book DescriptionFrom the perfectly organized island nation of Sir Thomas More's Utopia to the idealized mountain stronghold of Eldorado visited by the naive hero of Voltaire's Candide, the idea of the fictional state--utopian or dystopian, satirical or idealistic--has a long and distinguished pedigree in literature and philosophy The issues озэау explored by these classic imaginings--including questions of governmental organization, economic mechanisms, social policy, and cultural norms--are just as vital today as in the past, and continue to give rise to new alternative states, nations, and principalities inspired equally by political dissent and artistic fancy Journeying in this expanded landscape of imaginary municipalities--with its unorthodox histories, ersatz bureaucratic apparatuses, do-it-yourself credentials, and fantasy topographies--Cabinet no 18 features William Bryk on the ephemera of fictional states, George Pendle on the socio-political trajectory of micro-nations, and a conversation between David Levi Strauss and Michael Taussig on state-making and magic, as well as portfolios by invented nations including NSK, Elgaland-Vargaland, Sealand, and the Hutt River Province Principality The unthemed section includes Frances Stark on the charms of ivory; Christopher Turner on Spectro-Chrome Therapy; Samantha Hunt on Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace's "Difference Engine;" and projects by artists including Craig Kalpakjian, Sasha Chavchavadze, and Caitlin Masley Essays by William Bryk, George Pendle, David Levi Strauss and Michael Taussig Paperback, 7 75 x 9 75 in /112 pgs / Illustrated throughout. stud Afro Prin Миро2006 г 112 стр ISBN 1932698140.
Составитель: О Дорофеев Александр Николаевич Островский (1823 - 1886) - выдающийся драматург, основоположник русского национального театра В его комедиях и драмах ярко отражен озэач быт московского купечества, провинциальных актеров, мелких чиновников Галерея созданных Островским образов огромна, его персонажам суждена долгая жизнь и в сердцах будущих поколений наших соотечественников Во второй том вошли пьесы, написанные в 1857 - 1865 гг : `Праздничный сон - до обеда`, `Гроза`, `Свои собаки грызутся, чужая не приставай!`, `За чем пойдешь, то и найдешь (Женитьба Бальзаминова)`, `Грех да беда на кого не живет`, `Шутники`, `На бойком месте`, `Пучина` Содержание Праздничный сон - до обеда Пьеса c 5-34 Гроза Пьеса c 35-90 Свои собаки грызутся, чужая не приставай! Пьеса c 91-120 За чем пойдешь, то и найдешь (Женитьба Бальзаминова) Пьеса c 121-162 Грех да беда на кого не живет Пьеса c 163-220 Шутники Пьеса c 221-272 На бойком месте Пьеса c 273-316 Пучина Пьеса c 317-368 Примечания Комментарии c 369-383 Автор Александр Островский Родился в купеческой семье в Москве, там же получил образование на юридическом факультете университета В 1843-1851 гг служил в судебных учреждениях Писать начал рано, среди наиболее известных произведений - пьесы "Свои люди сочтемся!" (1849),. Wind Road Mari консСерия: А Н Островский Собрание сочинений в 6 томах (`Терра`).
"Я убежден, что не один Рим, а вся вселенная падет к подножию креста, что весь мир будет исповедовать Христа, весь мир поклонится ему и признает его За него с радостью и восторгом озэаю проливают христиане кровь свою в наших богопротивных цирках, ему отдаем мы свою душу!" - говорил на склоне дней главный герой повести - грек по имени Главк Пройдя череду тяжелых испытаний, потеряв верных друзей, едва не лишившись жизни по навету коварного колдуна-египтянина, милостью Божией избежав гибели на улицах заливаемой раскаленной лавой Помпеи, он отрекся от мнимых богов и восславил Господа нашего Иисуса Христа Хроника последних дней Помпеи в виде увлекательного и поучительного повествования предстает на страницах книги Евгении Тур - одного из популярных авторов, писавших для детей и юношества во второй половине 19-го столетия До 1917 года повесть о первых христианах "Последние дни Помпеи" выдержала более 10 переизданий И, что немаловажно, была рекомендованы Св Синодом и Министерством народного просвещения для чтения в школах России Автор Евгения Тур (псевдоним; настоящее имя - Елизавета Васильевна Салиас-де-Турнемир) [12(24) 8 1815, Москва, - 15(27) 3 1892, Варшава], русская писательница Сестра А В Сухово-Кобылина Повесть "Ошибка" (1849) и роман "Племянница" (1850) были опубликованы в. Bozi Слов клуб ЛитРИздательство: Развитие духовности, культуры и науки, 2004 г Твердый переплет, 320 стр ISBN 5-94872-038-1 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).
Book DescriptionCombining over 1,000 brilliantly colored photographs, videos, music, and text, this CD-ROM documents a distinctive folk art of urban Bangladesh The owners of rickshas (conventionally known as "rickshaws" in English) personalize their vehicles with elaborate paintings that incorporate geometric motifs, drawings озэбж of animals, mythic and religious themes, and pictures of movie stars Ricksha art is an expression of the fondest desires in men's hearts - for wealth, sex, power, one's village home, religious blessings, and consumer goods Joanna Kirkpatrick has photographed these vehicles for more than 20 years, cataloging styles and motifs Her study becomes a window on Bangladesh culture and religion, as she examines the questions posed by pictorial representation in a Muslim society Thanks to Transports of Delight, general audiences interested in South Asian folk art and aficionados of pedicabs around the world will join scholars and students of Bangladesh on an enjoyable and informative journey System requirements: PC system with display set for 16 bit color at 800x600 resolution, 4x or better CD-ROM drive, Apple QuickTime 4 or better, Internet Explorer 6 0 or higher Video segments require Pentium II Processor. ЛитР Трои Води Грос2003 г ISBN 0253341485.
Составитель: Сергей Куняев Редактор: Сергей Куняев Данное издание - не очередное "избранное" Есенина, хотя здесь представлены лучшие его стихотворения и поэмы, объединенные озэбл в циклы, как сам поэт составил их при жизни Это - судьба поэта в книге Поэт наедине с листом бумаги Поэт в работе над творческим манифестом Поэт среди друзей Поэт среди врагов Есенин в прозе о нем, в стихах, посвященных ему, в людоедской критике, нервировавшей при жизни и пытавшейся уничтожить и предать забвению после смерти Поистине: венец певца, венец терновый Что, несомненно, символично и для других двенадцати "русских поэтов-ангелов", портретами которых открывается книга и чьи судьбы также оказались трагическими, как и судьба Есенина Что внутри? Содержание 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9. Герш Acad Иллю СодеИздательство: Русский мир, 1998 г Твердый переплет, 512 стр ISBN 5-89577-005-3 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 70x100/16 (~167x236 мм).
Book DescriptionAllan Kaprow's "happenings" and "environments" were the precursors to contemporary performance art, and his essays are some of the most thoughtful, provocative, and influential of his generation His sustained inquiry into the paradoxicalrelationship of art to life and into the nature of meaning itself озэбн is brought into focus in this newly expanded collection of his most significant writings A new preface and two new additional essays published in the 1990s bring this valuable collection up to date. МГор веду Dixi Цыбу2003 г 370 стр ISBN 0520240790.
"Architectural Interiors: More Bars & Restaurants" gathers together some of the most outstanding restaurants from across the globe, including every conceivable cuisine and niche Filled with page after page of hip and stylish ideas that combine contemporary design language with chic cosmopolitan aesthetics, this volume with озэбр delight and inspire architects, designers, and bar and restaurant operators, as well as the design-savvy public With luscious photographs taken from stunning angles, both conventional and creative, "More Bars & Restaurants" shows the best of irresistible design. Куца Mast Стер моло2007 г Мягкая обложка, 400 стр ISBN 2888930056.
Составитель: Михаил Кукулевич Сборник содержит избранные произведения двух русских поэтов: Антона Дельвига (1798-1831) и Вильгельма Кюхельбекера (1797-1846) Оба они воспитанники озэбц Царскосельского лицея и друзья Александра Пушкина Издание адресовано ценителям подлинной поэзии Сборник также может быть интересен и полезен всем изучающим русскую литературу Составитель сборника - Михаил Кукулевич Мини- издание. Спир Guar Jean MagnИздательство: РепроЦЕНТР М, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 5-94939-045-8 Тираж: 500 экз Формат: 60x90/32 (~107х140 мм).
Book DescriptioniSeeking Goodness and Beauty The Use of the Arts in Theological Ethicsi offers the reader a unique and innovative perspective on questions of ethics and how we can incorporate the human experience of the Arts to best live and teach the moral life Art and aesthetic experiences transcend borders and engage us rationally, emotionally, озэбы and sensually Novels, film, autobiography, and music can all contribute to the moral formation of good character and virtue as well as to the skill of discerning right action by developing imagination, shaping moral vision, tutoring the emotions, or guiding the process of moral discernment iSeeking Goodness and Beautyi brings together theory and practice in an approachable, engaging manner and offers methodsof pedagogy to encourage the use of the arts in moral education. OZON Wind Топо Inte2005 г 192 стр ISBN 0742532100.
Book DescriptionA fascinating exploration of the healing power of art Children and adults alike find comfort in making things, but never has the act of creating been so poignant as when it is done during times of duress, such as in concentration camps and prisons, during extreme drought and poverty, or while battling mental illness In this fascinating озэве collection, Susan Goldman Rubin has captured the essence of creating as a way to momentarily escape horrible circumstances From the drawings of a child imprisoned in Terezin to quilts created by slave women in the United States, history repeatedly shows us people finding solace in crafting beautiful things This striking introduction to outsider art is illustrated in full color with examples from each time period. Malc Звон Соло авто2004 г 64 стр ISBN 0375824065.
Book DescriptionSusan Woodford illuminates the great achievements of classical art and architecture and conveys a sense of the excitement that inspired the creative artists of the ancient world Examining all aspects of Greek and Roman visual arts, this revised edition includes a new chapter on Roman architecture, as well as new illustrations, озэвз and an updated bibliography and glossary First Edition Hb (1982): 0-521-23222-8 First Edition Pb (1982): 0-521-29873-3. Rene Edga Caro Нефе2004 г 186 стр ISBN 0521540372.
London: The Thames: North Bank from Kew Bridge to Canary Wharf артикул 3702e. |
Proceeding along the North Bank of the river Thames from Kew Bridge to Canary Wharf in an imaginary boat Passing under dark bridges and see the light again while admiring a fabulous progression of green riversides, old cottages, beautiful buildings and finally Westminster Palace and the Big Ben You can enjoy it all, uninterruptedly, in this spectacular озьэц 13-metre-long book, with 44 fold-outs Captions describe the name of the buildings, bridges, places of interest together with the construction date and the name of the architect Формат: 30,5 см x 12,5 см Иллюстрации Автор Richard Holt. Росс Undi Арцр JerzИздательство: Grafiche Vianello Srl, 2008 г Коробка, 44 стр ISBN 978-88-7200-300-8 Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации. |
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The Communist Manifesto артикул 3704e. |
A modern edition on the 150th anniversary of the Manifesto The Communist Manifesto, drafted on the eve of the 1848 revolutions, is the most brilliant and incisive political text ever written; a work of great literary power as well as historical insight Eric Hobsbawm, whose writing has brilliantly described the century and a half of history that озьэь has been both shaped and illuminated by the Manifesto, presents it here As the "age of extremes" draws to an end and capitalism seems everywhere to be triumphant, as it did one hundred and fifty years ago, Eric Hobsbawm critically appraises a work which, he argues, is now more timely than ever Hobsbawm notes the curious fact that the Manifesto remained a subterranean text for many decades and did not circulateon a mass scale, or achieve a canonical status, until comparatively recently He argues that only the complete unfolding of capitalism on a global scale in recent times allows us to take the full measure of Marx and Engels's truly astounding mixture of passion, science and poetry. Sifr Fisk рабо ЮсупISBN 0451527100. |
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Runaway World: How Globalization is Reshaping Our Lives артикул 3706e. |
"This little book is full of insights about who we are and where we are going " --Financial Times The most accessible book yet by one of the most influential thinkers of our time, Runaway World evaluates the ever-increasing impact of globalization today Extending his arguments beyond the merely economic, Giddens shows how our growing озьюв interdependence directly affects our everyday lives Neither a cheerleading endorsement of emerging markets, nor a fearful rant on the growth of terrorism or loss of American jobs, Runaway World is a book about a world that grows smaller every day, and how those changes are affecting our culture, our traditions, our families, and our politics Identifying globalization as a true cultural force, this eloquent and important volume is the starting point for anyone concerned about our increasingly interconnected world. Park Soul Hits SPORISBN 0415944872. |
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Стихотворения Поэмы Маскарад артикул 3708e. |
В книгу вошли стихотворения, поэмы и драма "Маскарад" В разделе "Приложения" помещены отрывки из критических статей о творчестве поэта Содержание Михаил Юрьевич озьюе Лермонтов Предисловие c 5-109 Стихотворения Стихи c 110-190 Песня про царя Ивана Васильевича, молодого опричника и удалого купца Калашникова Поэма c 191-206 Мцыри Поэма c 207-227 Демон Поэма c 228-261 Маскарад Драма c 262-373 Автор (показать всех авторов) Михаил Лермонтов Родился в Москве Первые годы жизни провел в имении своей бабушки, Е А Арсеньевой, в селе Тарханы Чембарского уезда Пензенской губернии В тринадцать лет Михаил Юрьевич переехал в Москву и на следующий год поступил сразу на 4 курс Благородного пансиона. Mari Vino Cafe GabrСерия: Библиотека отечественной классической художественной литературы. |
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Korea's New Economic Strategy in the Globalization Era артикул 3710e. |
Book DescriptionThis book presents Koreas economic strategy to meet the emerging challenges, as it recovers from the 1997 financial crisis and moves on into the globalization and information era For important policy areas, the authors evaluate existing policies, and offer proposals for new strategic direction that can achieve sustainable озьюн and equitable economic growth for Korea A considerable majority of the contributing authors are involved in formulating economic strategy as policy advisorsto the Korean government, and they bring to their chapters extensive experience and insights regarding Korean government policies that are rarely available to readers in such a comprehensive form The book therefore offers a timely, practical, and uniqueanalysis of all aspects of the Korean economy Academics, policy practitioners, and others with interests in the Korean economy, Asian economies, development studies, and a broad sweep of other issues concerning structural reform will find in this volume a gold mine of detail and opinion. серт Myth Stan Perp2004 г ISBN 1843760452. |
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Guide to the Yivo Archives артикул 3712e. |
Редактор: Марек Веб YIVO, founded in 1925 in Wilno (Vilnius), is a center for scholarship on East European Jewish history, language, and culture During the 1920s and early 1930s a network of YIVO affiliates was established across Europe and the Americas including one in New York, which became the institute's new home when YIVO озьюэ was reestablished in 1940 by members of its board who had escaped from Nazi-occupied Europe This is the first repository-level finding aid to the archives (over 1,400 collections) of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York It includes a brief history of the institute and archives, descriptive entries on each collection, a detailed index of key words and subject headings, and information on the archive's basic services. Tran книг Creo Dona1997 г Твердый переплет, 400 стр ISBN 0765601303 Язык: Английский. |
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In Focus: National Geographic Greatest Portraits артикул 3714e. |
Редактор: Лих Бендавид Вэл "National Geographic Greatest Portraits" tells the story of portrait photography through the eyes - and words - of five accomplished National Geographic photographers The book showcases images never-before-seen alongside award-winning favorites New and fascinating text озьяк reveals photographers' individual experiences photographing people and their evaluation of NG portraits produced during each decade-from the late - 19th century until today "National Geographic Greatest Portraits" opens with a beautiful and surprising look at National Geographic's contribution to the knowledge of the world's peoples through photography Five chapters follow, each spanning approximately two decades and covering an era in world history and photographic style The chapters are: Before 1930 (Exploring the power of photography), 1930s-1940s (The Great Depression and World War II), 1950s-1960s (Bright colors and perky smiles), 1970s-1980s (Back to realism), 1990s - Present (Everything is relative) Each of these chapters is a portrait of the world Формат: 26 см х 26 см Иллюстрации. LEGO Ткал впер RogeИздательство: National Geographic, 2004 г Суперобложка, 504 стр ISBN 0-7922-7363-X Язык: Английский Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации. |
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Missouri's Silver Age: Silversmiths Of The 1800s артикул 3716e. |
Book DescriptionThe result of nearly two decades of intensive research by Norman Mack and his late wife, Beatrice Davidow Mack, Missouris Silver Age: Silversmiths of the 1800s is a comprehensive directory of nineteenth-century Missouri silversmiths, their works, and their identifying makers marks Illustrated with over one hundred photographs, озьям this exceptional reference for historians and silver collectors showcases the Macks three-hundred-piece collection of Missouri silver, which includes a representative sample by nearly every known Missouri silversmith and is housed at the Missouri Historical Society in St Louis Featuring more than a hundred detailed biographies of the artisans and apprentices who created handmade silver in St Louis and Missouri during the nineteenth century, Missouris Silver Age also contains extensive photographs of makers touchmarks and of the pieces themselves, which include bowls, dishes, spoons, and ladles, as well as other household utensils and decorative items Arranged alphabetically, the biographies reveal all known details of the business activities and locations of the silversmiths Collectively, the entries and the illustrations shed light on the growth of enterprise in Missouri, show the impact of the individual on the developing frontier economies of the Midwest, and reveal how the production, acquisition, and possession of material goods reflected the culture and values of Americans during the 1800s Mack provides a brief butthorough history of silversmithing in America for novice collectors and historians, detailing the various methods used in making silver and the range of styles that were popular, providing insight into the methods of training apprentices, and explaining the effects of mechanization on the trade Augmenting this volume are an appendix by Jo Ann Griffin on how to care for old silver, a map of the silversmiths primary locations, and a helpful alphabetical appendix of the silversmiths that includes illustrations of their touchmarks "Norman Mack has enhanced the gleam and sparkle of these silver pieces of our past with this superb reference of Missouri silversmiths and the works they created " Robert Archibald, President, Missouri HistoricalSociety. Jame Алек Cher Isaa2004 г 169 стр ISBN 0809326337. |
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The Artist Revealed: Artists and Their Self-Portraits артикул 3718e. |
Book DescriptionSixty of the worlds most famous artists self-portraits are shown in full-page reproductions Each includes a biography of the artist; an in-depth examination of the portrait details; and how it reflects the artists personality, ideas, and place in the history of art These 180 color images offer the most intimate glimpses озьяс of these great artists personalities and how they saw themselves. Херл Etni Diam Harr2003 г 256 стр ISBN 1571459480. |
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What Is Art?: Conversations With Joseph Beuys артикул 3720e. |
Book Description"I know that from him [Rudolf Steiner] a mission was given to me to gradually remove peoples alienation and mistrust toward the supersensible through my means In political thinkingthe field I have to be working on dailyit is a matter of realizing the Threefold Social Order as quickly as possible " Joseph Beuys, озьяу in a letter to Manfred Schradi, October 21, 1971 Joseph Beuyss work continues to influence and inspire artists and thinkers around the worldin areas from organizational learning, direct democracy, and new forms of money, to new methods of art education and the practice of "ecological art " Volker Harlana close colleague of Beuyswhose own work also explores substance and sacramenttalked with Beuys about the deeper motivations and insights behind "social sculpture" and his expanded view of art These profound reflections, complemented by Harlans thoughtful essays, give a sense of the interconnected nature of all life forms and provide the basis for a path toward a future that is ecologically sustainable Features more than forty illustrations. Alex Aqua Gmax Andr2004 г 128 стр ISBN 1902636597. |
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Friendly Fire артикул 3722e. |
Book DescriptionThe term "friendly fire"--the inadvertent attack of military units by their allies--is a concise means of subsuming incomprehensible and paradoxical circumstances under one slogan Here it is also the title of a book on artists Stefan Demary, Euan Macdonald, Max Grueter, Ben Morieson, and Roman Signer, whose subjects озьяю include (self-)destruction, absurdity, and borderline experience Essays by Leonhard Emmerling Hardcover, 6 25 x 9 in / 80 pgs / 50 color. Tato Kary спас Заре2004 г 79 стр ISBN 3936646538. |
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Talking Birds, Plumed Serpents and Painted Women: The Ceramics of Casas Grandes артикул 3724e. |
Book DescriptionA richly illustrated and informative bilingual volume that features striking color photographs of 75 of the finest pieces of exquisite and unusual pottery from the Casas Grandes civilization of Chihuahua Bold ceramics in red, black, and white polychrome incorporate rich iconographic elements derived from the Casas Grandes озэаб cosmology Macaws, snakes, birds and transformation imagery interspersed with complex geometric designs offer an insight into the ritual and cultural life of these ancient people. крас 9056 Arts 03-12003 г 80 стр ISBN 091161124X. |
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Making Sense of Strategy артикул 3726e. |
Business strategy is not rocket science It's about using pertinent information to make smart decisions, and doing it fast enough to keep your business ahead of the curve And while many companies have embraced the 24/7 business paradigm, their strategies come from the 9-to-5 era Plain and simple, most strategic planning efforts fail because they озэаг can't keep up with the evolving demands of the market Standing apart from the piles of discarded management wisdom, Making Sense of Strategy provides real, practical insights and advice for 21st-century businesses Top strategy consultant Tony Manning cuts through layer after layer of "guru" babble to bring the reader only the most genuinely valuable information: the questions that need to be asked, the principles that every organization and its people must adopt, and the tools that every company needs in order to develop their core business strategies and create profit Manning's refreshingly streamlined approach to strategy encompasses: * The value of shared ideas * The importance of creating and sustaining unique communities for your products or services * The link between a company's values and those of its customers and shareholders * And why strategic management is ultimately a conversation, one that empowers its participants with a sense of purpose and ownership A real-world, no-nonsense guide, Making Sense of Strategy is the key to turning plans into action -- fast!. Щерб Exce Добр SvagISBN 0814471560. |
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Chinese Economic Transition and International Marketing Strategy артикул 3728e. |
As China's markets evolve, marketing strategy must adapt to meet changing circumstances Alon and his contributors provide a comprehensive look at how economic transition affects marketings strategies across a wide range of industries, including telecommunications, the auto industry, the hospitality industry, the airline industry, textiles, озэал cosmetics, and wine In addition, they discuss the changing situation of joint ventures, collective enterprises, and state-owned businesses. слов Mich Garm CracISBN 1567205879. |
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Лейб-улан и Аннет артикул 3730e. |
Нет смысла искать оправдания нескромной поэзии Ивана Баркова Его самобытный талант не нуждается ни в оценках, ни в рекомендациях Это новейшее издание включает в себя сочинения, озэао обнаруженные в последние годы и воспроизводимые по архивным источникам и документам Автор Иван Барков. хоро полю Silv BrotСерия: Золотая серия поэзии. |
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Latin America - Mercosur артикул 3732e. |
Редактор: Peter Coffey Latin America's experience with regional economic integration has been only slightly shorter than that of Europe In fact, the first attempt at integration started as early as 1960, with the creation of LAFTA - the Latin American Free Trade Area (subsequently replaced by LAIA - the Latin American Integration Association) озэар LAFTA, composed of 11 countries, sought, unsuccessfully, to create a free trade area in 12 years In 1969, the Andean pact, which sought, also unsuccessfully, to create a sub-regional free trade area, was set up Recently the Presidents of Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay signed the Treaty of Asuncion aimed at creating a common market as from 1st January, 1995 This common market, MERCOSUR, will be completed by 2006 In comparison with the earlier and unsuccessful attempts at integration, and despite challenges and problems, both internal and external, MERCOSUR is working, and trade between the member States is increasing Furthermore, as with the case of the European Union (EU), serious attempts (notably between Argentina and Brazil) are being made to co-ordinate economic and monetary policies The most important evidence of these moves is the introduction of hard currencies, the reduction in the size of the public sector and the privatization of State assets These are clearly exciting times for Latin American integration In this book, the first in a new series of books on International Economic Integration, the authors examine the experience of MERCOSUR in the Latin American integration progress After an analysis of the history of the moves towards integration in South America, the case of each Member State and the Associate Country is examined and perspectives for the future are assessed 1 edition. цвет Осип Para 1815Издательство: Springer, 1998 г Мягкая обложка, 372 стр ISBN 079238153X Язык: Английский. |
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Reviewing The Arts (Lea's Communication Series) (Lea's Communication Series) артикул 3734e. |
Book DescriptionReviewing the Arts is written for those media writers assigned to review an artistic event or performance, providing the tools for a journalist to write informed and enlightened reviews of the arts This useful text guides writers throughthe steps for producing an acceptable review of fine and performing arts, covering the range озэат of arts from film and television to drama and dance; from sculpture and architecture to music Author Campbell Titchener suggests ways to approach both familiar and unfamiliar art forms to prepare an informed evaluation, and in this updated third edition he includes current examples from practicing journalists and veteran critics This practical text fits readily into the journalism curriculum, and will be a useful resource for practicing journalists. Geni OPEL Blau PENN2005 г 184 стр ISBN 0805851747. |
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Rebuilding Germany: The Creation of the Social Market Economy, 1945-1957 артикул 3736e. |
In a nuanced and fresh account, James Van Hook evaluates the American role in West German recovery and the debates about economic policy within West Germany He examines the 1948 West German economic reforms that dismantled the Nazi command economy and ushered in the fabled "economic miracle" of the 1950s By abandoning Nazi era economic озэах controls, the West Germans discarded a pre-1945 economic and industrial culture. язык Буха Сост демоISBN 0521833620. |
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Art History, Aesthetics, Visual Studies (Clark Studies in the Visual Arts) артикул 3738e. |
Book DescriptionArt history, aesthetics, and visual studies today find themselves in contested new philosophical and institutional circumstances This fascinating and challenging volume explores the connections and differences among these three methods of investigating visual representation What are the dominant aesthetic assumptions озэаъ underlying art historical inquiry? How have these assumptions been challenged by visual studies? Are questions of quality, form, content, meaning, and spectatorship culturally specific? Can we still define the parameters of what should properly constitute the objects of the history of art? Fifteen distinguished scholars answer these and other questions, critically examining the relationships among these three scholarly fields from their founding moments through their contemporary practices. Щерб увед серт Fran2003 г 292 стр ISBN 0300097891. |
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Tele-journeys артикул 3740e. |
Book DescriptionFocused on young artists from around the world who are living and working away from their cultures of origin, and who, like their predecessors of the 1960s and 70s, are creating new ways to articulate responses to the ever present problemof reconciling the global with the local Artists Include: Carlos Amorales, Mark Bain, Runa озэбв Islam and Fiona Tan Essay by Jens Hoffman Introduction by Jane Farver and Joan Jonas Paperback, 8 x 10 in 46 pages, 45 color illustrations. Низо рома Goin Ауди2003 г 46 стр ISBN 093843764X. |
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Figuring It Out артикул 3742e. |
Book DescriptionWhere do we come from? What are we? Where are we going? These questions were posed by Paul Gauguin in a famous canvas painted in Tahiti that heralded the beginning of the modernist era But they are also the questions asked by modern prehistorians in their quest to reconstruct the human story In Figuring It Out, Colin Renfrew investigates озэбз the profound convergence between the two disciplines, drawing illuminating parallels between the way the modern artist seeks to understand the world by acting upon it, and the way the archaeologist seeks to understand the world through the material traces of such actions What does the "sapient paradox"the fact that 30,000 years passed before anatomically modern humans began to change their worldhave to tell us about the unfolding of the history of our species? Why do we now find Cycladic sculpture beautiful when, merely a century ago, such work would not have been thought suitable for display in an art museum? And how is it that,in the light of Marcel Duchamp's revolutionary gallery-based gestures, the prehistoric footsteps at Laetoli have been admitted as art too, albeit of an involuntary kind? Professor Renfrew uses these questions as a springboard for his examination of the history of the human condition, a subject that can only be properly understood, he argues, through the idea of process, of Homo sapiens' active material engagement with their world Central to his exploration is a group of leading contemporary artists,including Richard Long, Mark Dion, Antony Gormley, Eduardo Paolozzi, and David Mach, whose works are notable for just such an engagement with their physical surroundings Figuring It Out takes sculpture off the plinth and archaeology out of the trench, and situates the contemporary artist and archaeologist together at the center of an active endeavor to reevaluate what it is to be human 175 illustrations, 55 in color. рабо Herb Руби Соде2003 г 224 стр ISBN 0500051143. |
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The Two Art Histories : The Museum and the University (Clark Studies in the Visual Arts) артикул 3744e. |
Book DescriptionMany museum professionals today believe that university-based art history focuses too much on theory and the social agency of art, neglecting the aesthetic dimensions of the art object Conversely, many academics feel that museums have become preoccupied with the quest for money and audiences, making them an increasingly unlikely озэбм source of innovative scholarship In this provocative book, seventeen eminent figures from both sides of the art worldmuseum professionals and university scholarsexplore the questions underlying the often tense relationship between the two main branches of the discipline. меся чита теат Flyi2003 г 224 стр ISBN 0300097751. |
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Правила торговли Основные постановления Правительства РФ Закон РФ "О защите прав потребителей" артикул 3746e. |
Редакторы: Оксана Морозова Елена Сухарева В данный сборник включены все основные нормативные документы (с изменениями), требования которых обязательно должны выполняться озэбп торговыми предприятиями и на основании которых должны регулироваться отношения между покупателями и продавцами Работники предприятий, реализующих товары (работы, услуги) покупателям, должны быть ознакомлены с приведенными основными законодательными актами В интересах потребителей знать свои права и уметь защищать их Каждому предприятию розничной торговли рекомендуется иметь данный сборник на кассе и пользоваться им в случае возникновения спорных вопросов 4-е издание, с изменениями и дополнениями. Скво Nige Rajn СодеСерия: Консультирует юрист. |
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The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain (Bradford Books) артикул 3748e. |
Book DescriptionHow did the human brain evolve so that consciousness of art could develop? In The Psychology of Art and the Evolution of the Conscious Brain, Robert Solso describes how a consciousness that evolved for other purposes perceives and creates art Drawing on his earlier book Cognition and the Visual Arts and ten years of new findings озэбт in cognitive research (as well as new ideas in anthropology and art history), Solso shows that consciousness developed gradually, withdistinct components that evolved over time One of these components is an adaptive consciousness that includes the ability to imagine objects that are not present--an ability that allows us to create (and perceive) visual art Solso describes the neurological, perceptual, and cognitive sequence that occurs when we view art, and the often inexpressible effect that a work of art has on us He shows that there are two aspects to viewing art: nativistic perception--the synchronicity of eye and brain that transforms electromagnetic energy into neuro-chemical codes--which is "hard-wired" into the sensory-cognitive system; and directed perception, which incorporates personal history and knowledge--the entire set of our expectations and past experiences Both forms of perception are part of the appreciation of art, and both are products of the evolution of the conscious brain over hundreds of thousands of years Solso also investigates the related issues of neurological and artistic perception of the human face, the effects of visual illusions, and the use of perspective The many works of art used as examples are drawn from a wide range of artistic traditions, from ancient Egypt to Africa and India and the European Renaissance. Wink Шенк Mari Яков2005 г 294 стр ISBN 0262693321. |
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Денис Давыдов Лирика (миниатюрное издание) артикул 3750e. |
Сборник содержит избранные произведения известного русского поэта Дениса Давыдова (1784-1839) Знаменитый гусар, храбрый партизан, герой войны 1812 года предстает перед читателем озэбщ тонко чувствующим лириком Издание адресовано ценителям подлинной поэзии Сборник также может быть интересен и полезен всем изучающим русскую литературу Автор Денис Давыдов Родился в Москве Отец Давыдова был в опале, имение конфисковано и возвращено лишь после вступления на престол Александра I Давыдов был определен на службу в Кавалергардский полк К этому же времени относится начало литературной деятельности Давыдова -. Fina Sabb писа MirrАвторский сборник Издательство: РепроЦЕНТР М, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 96 стр ISBN 5-94939-044-X Тираж: 500 экз Формат: 60x90/32 (~107х140 мм). |
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Antoni Gaudi/Salvador Dali : Duets артикул 3752e. |
Book Description Antoni GaudÍ/Salvador DalÍ, the premiere book in the Duets series, brings together the work of these two artistic geniuses in order to present a rich comparative study Essentially three volumes in one, a section on each artist presents a brief biography and an examination of some major works, with a third section that compares озэвв the images and ideas of the two artists Although upon first glance one wouldnt think to compare the architectural whimsy of GaudÍ with DalÍs dark visions, this book illuminates the similarities between them Both men were great observers of nature, gifted with an uncommon sensitivity, and able to transcend the techniques of their respective disciplines to create unique designs that influenced and changed their fields forever Antoni GaudÍ/Salvador DalÍ is a book that art and architecture lovers will treasure for years to come . With Silv Silv Silv2003 г 96 стр ISBN 0060557273. |
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Readings in Latin American Modern Art артикул 3754e. |
Book DescriptionThis important and welcome volume is the first English-language anthology of writings on Latin American modern art of the twentieth century The book includes some fifty seminal essays and documents-including statements, interviews, and manifestoes by artists-that encompass the broad diversity of this emerging field Many озэвж of these materials are difficult to access and some are translated here for the first time Together the selections explore the breadth and depth of Latin American modern art as well as its distinctive evolution apart from American and European art history Included in this collection are fascinating ideas and insights on the impact of the avant-garde in the 1920s, the Mexican mural movement, Surrealism and other fantasy-based styles, modern architecture, geometric and optical art, concrete and neo-concrete art, and political conceptualism For students and scholars of Latin American art, the volume offers an invaluable collection of primary and secondary sources. Eliz Аник Иллю XVII2004 г 288 стр ISBN 0300102550. |
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Requiem for Communism артикул 3756e. |
Book DescriptionIn Requiem for Communism Charity Scribner examines the politics of memory in postindustrial literature and art Writers and artists from Europe's second world have responded to the last socialist crisis with works that range from sober description to melancholic fixation This book is the first survey of this cultural field Today, озэви as the cultures of Eastern and Western Europe merge into the Infobahn of late capitalism, the second world is being left behind The European Union has pronounced obsolete the structures that once defined and linked industrial cities from Manchester to Karl-Marx-Stadt--the decaying factories and working collectives, the wasted ideals of state socialism and the welfare state Marxist exponents of global empire see this historical turn as an occasion to eulogize "the lightness and joy of being communist " But for many writers and artists on the left, the fallout of the last century's socialist crisis calls for an elegy This regret has prompted a proliferation of literary texts and artworks, as well as a boom in museum exhibitions that race to curate the wreckage of socialism and its industrial remnants The best of these works do not take us back to the factory Rather they look for somethingto take out of it: the intractable moments of solidarity among men and women that did not square with the market or the plan Requiem for Communism explores a selection of signal works They include John Berger?s narrative trilogy Into Their Labors; Documenta, the German platform for contemporary art and ideas; Krzysztof Kieslowski's cinema of mourning and Andrzej Wajda's filmed chronicles of the Solidarity movement; the art of Joseph Beuys and Rachel Whiteread; the novels of Christa Wolf; and Leslie Kaplan's antinostalgic memoir of women's material labor in France Sorting among the ruins of the second world, the critical minds of contemporary Europe aim to salvage both the remains of socialist ideals and the latent feminist potential that attended them. tuchkas Thin реда 2005 г 320 стр ISBN 0262693275. |
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